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10 mn to be invested in two-year plan against blue crab

10 mn to be invested in two-year plan against blue crab

Project for Emilia-Romagna, Veneto

ROME, 22 January 2025, 16:45

ANSA English Desk



Six measures worth 10 million euros to be implemented over the next two years against the alien clam-eating blue crab were announced Wednesday by Enrico Caterino, the special commissioner for the emergency created by the arrival of the species in the Po River delta.
    The plan against the crabs that have wreaked havoc on the clam-farming industries of Veneto and Emilia-Romagna was presented at the agriculture ministry by Caterino, who was appointed special national commissioner on September 20 last year and whose mandate ends on December 31 2026.
    The plan for this year and the next provides for the protection of biodiversity in marine ecosystems affected by the emergency, which is due to climate change and above-average temperatures in the Mediterranean; capturing and disposing of an estimated 2,600 tonnes of the species in the Upper Adriatic (Veneto and Emilia-Romagna); projects to contain the invasion of blue crabs and investments to support the economic activities affected by the invading species, originally from the western Atlantic, among others.
    The plan, which was also outlined by the ministers of agriculture and the environment, respectively Francesco Lollobrigida and Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, should kick off after its approval in the spring, when blue crabs will start proliferating, mainly in the Po river delta and in the Upper Adriatic.
    It it could also include in the future other areas affected by the invasion, such as Sardinia, Puglia and Tuscany, said Caterino.


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