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Amb. Bartoli: 'Delhi is not just a city, it is an emotion'

Amb. Bartoli: 'Delhi is not just a city, it is an emotion'

Diplomat interviewed by Indian Express: 'Continued discoveries'

30 December 2024, 16:03

ANSA English Desk



"Delhi is not just a city, it is an emotion": so ends, with a quote from the writer Khushwant Singh, the interview with Ambassador Antonio Bartoli, published in the newspaper 'The Indian Express', for the series on the Indian capital 'My Delhi'.
    "Delhi's markets are reminiscent of the famous ones in Naples or Palermo", Bartoli describes them, "perfect places to get close to the life of the inhabitants, their tastes, their habits". At the head of the Italian Embassy since last July, Bartoli explains: 'I still call myself a 'newcomer'. But I have already experienced the feeling of being at home, despite the differences, and the frequent, jarring inequalities. We are really alike, in our immediate empathy, and the value we place on friendship and family'.
    For the Ambassador, the Indian capital is a constant discovery, offering exciting surprises every day. "I am deeply impressed by the beauty of certain sites such as the Purana Qila, the Lodhi Gardens, or Humayun's Tomb. And by the overwhelming mixture of cultures and traditions, languages and cuisines. It is an experience that challenges and fascinates, that opens the heart and conquers the mind'.


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