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Giovanni Battista Colombo, Embassy Series editor, died

Giovanni Battista Colombo, Embassy Series editor, died

History and art of Italian representations abroad

ROMA, 31 December 2024, 11:36

ANSA English Desk



Giovanni Battista Colombo, editor, among other things, of a series dedicated to Italian embassies in the world, founded and edited by Ambassador Gaetano Cortese, has died. The Giornale Diplomatico reported the news.
    The 20th anniversary of the Italian Embassies in the World Series, inherited from his grandfather Carlo Colombo, a prestigious collection of publications dedicated to enhancing the architectural and artistic heritage of Italian diplomatic missions abroad, was celebrated in 2020.
    His grandfather, Cavaliere del Lavoro Carlo Colombo, opened a printing house in Rome in 1880 in Largo dell' Impresa. He soon expanded his business with three establishments in Rome and one in Frascati, employing 300 workers; he set up a welfare fund for his employees, paying both the registration fee and the first annuity out of his own pocket; and he also set up a printing works at the Istituto della Sacra Famiglia to instruct the orphans housed there in the art of typography.
    His son Enrico continued the printing and publishing business in Rome for about half a century, also working as a printer for the Chamber of Deputies and publishing volumes dedicated to the capital. He then passed the baton of the publishing branch to his son Giovanni Battista, who focused his attention on the Italian Embassies abroad.


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