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Italy allocates 13 million euros for Ukraine's energy

Italy allocates 13 million euros for Ukraine's energy

To Support Fund on the instructions of Foreign Minister Tajani

ROME, 31 December 2024, 12:41

ANSA English Desk



Italy has allocated 13 million euros to the Support Fund for Ukraine's Energy on the instructions of Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, the Farnesina said Tuesday.
    "At a time when attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure are intensifying," the ministry said in a statement, "this decision represents a significant step in efforts to restore energy systems damaged by the conflict. Italy's contribution, one of the most significant by a single country, will help stabilize electricity supplies for millions of Ukrainians affected by the war, in this difficult period.
    "With this contribution, Italy confirms its continued support for the resilience of Ukraine's energy sector, also in view of the Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine to be held in Rome next July.
    "Italy's commitment to contribute to the Fund comes at a crucial time, when attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure continue.
    "The contribution also recognizes the Fund's ability to easily procure the equipment that the country desperately needs to restore energy supplies." During 2024, even before the latest wave of attacks, Ukraine's energy sector had suffered significant damage.
    "Italy's donation is a testament to global solidarity and highlights the Fund's undisputed importance in providing timely and effective assistance to the Ukrainian energy sector," the statement concluded.


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